Earth's Interior Test Review

Earth's Interior Test

Below is a listing of some topics you can expect to see on this week's test.

Layers of the Earth

Plate Tectonics (plate boundaries)

Continental Drift (what it is and evidence for)

Sea-floor Spreading (where it happens and evidence proving it)

Earthquakes (P/S waves, calculating epicenter distance, locating epicenters on map, P and S travel/arrival times)

Sample Questions

Below are some sample questions you may expect to see on the test

Use Castle Learning data set with the same name as this test. It will provide you with sample questions AND feedback!

Mobile Friendly Questions (HTML5)

Questions File (PDF download and software required)

Review Games

Below are some review games that can help you prepare for the exam.

Zones of Crustal Activity 

Seafloor Spreading 


Earths Interior Temperature and Pressure 

Earths Interior and Crustal Composition 

Continental Drift